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K8s Scripts to Install in airgap environments

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K8s Scripts to Install in airgap environments


Installing a Kubernetes single node (master) is a breeze with various options, including Docker Desktop, Minikube, kind, CodeReady Containers (CRC), Minishift, k0s, and k3s. These tools offer a range of features to support your Kubernetes development needs.

But what if you want to install a CLUSTER with a master node and multiple worker nodes? This can be daunting, especially in Enterprise environments where public cloud access may not be available. Fortunately, you can install a cluster using just the two scripts I made for you: one for the master and another to join worker nodes.

Don't miss out on this valuable resource for Kubernetes cluster installation! You'll have access to detailed notes, step-by-step commands, and script shells. So what are you waiting for? Download the scripts, enjoy the video with the steps, and don't forget to share, comment, like, and subscribe to the channel 😎.

The script is FREE! But, is valuable and useful? You can tailor your checkout to match the value you receive, from $0, $1, $10, $100... you got the point, right?

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Paying what you can afford not only helps me continue to create, but also supports your growth and learning. With easy-to-use snippets and examples, this collection is suitable for beginners and experienced Kubernetes alike. Get it now!

Automated scripts to install the nodes
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